Born and raised in Northern California. Lived and learned in Portland, Pittsburgh, Dublin, and Vienna. I'm an avid storyteller who works diligently in every project to find and communicate true brand voice in multiple mediums. Social media content creation and account management? I’m your girl. Graphic design for RFPs, infographics, and logos? You got it. Photography and corporate blog writing? Happy to help.

Learning languages has also been an important passion of mine since the ripe age of 12 years old. At the time, my love of the French language stemmed from the end-of-unit parties that we would have in class where we would eat croissants and drink Orangina, but that love has since evolved into a deep appreciation of the culture and people. Learning a new language gives one the chance to gain a deeper understanding of a culture and different lived experiences that might not otherwise be available.

The intersection between business and learning languages is a great one. In a more globalized age, doing business in other countries has become a normal activity. If you don’t have a basic understanding of the other party’s culture (something that can be discovered and amplified through language learning) products might not perform as well or resonate with consumers, and business dealings can become complicated. Learning French in conjunction with Marketing has helped me to understand the importance of learning how different marketing strategies are effective in different cultures. It is vitally important to maintain an overarching, international brand voice for global companies, but also the importance of how that overarching brand voice interacts uniquely with each country it inhabits.

Junior at Duquesne University studying Digital Marketing and French