Hello! I’m Grace, a junior at Duquesne University studying Digital Marketing and French.

I’ve been passionate about telling stories since I was a kid. I was the little one writing and drawing pictures of magical lands and princesses. Since then, my portfolio of stories has evolved, thank goodness.

Avid Traveler, Picky Eater, Marketing Extraordinare


Personal Project:

Picky Eater Gone Global

My family started traveling with me when I was a baby. Now, flights back then were not intercontinental, but I caught the travel bug pretty early on. Prior to graduating from high school, I traveled to Spain, Portugal, Germany, London, France, Italy, Amsterdam, and more. A natural next step was to study abroad in college, but when COVID-19 hit my junior year, it felt like it was going to be ages before I was on a plane again.

In order to feel like I was still able to connect with and learn about other cultures while in lockdown, I started cooking international cuisine and writing about it on my personal blog, Picky Eater Gone Global. Over the last three years, what was a blog filled with trials and tribulations of learning how to properly cook chicken turned into insights on study abroad, travel experiences, and how to be a better global citizen.

My favorite part of learning other languages is connecting with different people on a more personal level than you would communicating in a first language. It gives you such an in-depth perspective on the culture and personalities of people.”

- “Heatwave!” (7.22.2022)

Latest Blog Post:

Work Experience

Communitopia, Marketing Intern

February 2023 - May 2023

Hyphn Studio, Marketing and Communications Intern

May 2023 - August 2023

Entertainment Enterprises Group, Marketing Intern

June 2022 - August 2022

Duquesne University Department of Modern Languages, Social Media Design Intern

January 2022 - May 2022